Raising the bar

It’s a convenient and easy way for workers to get all the products they need, like breakfast, dinner, and even everyday essentials!
At TOTEM, they are committed to offering delicious products which are good for the taste buds, as well as the planet. This is evident across their stores where they favour organic and local fresh ingredients.
They are also passionate about reducing food waste, recycling as much as possible, and offering sustainable and responsible food.
TOTEM needed refrigeration solutions which were registered food safe. As their Micromarkets are attendant-free and open 24/7, it’s essential for their products to be kept fresh, tasty and safe to consume at all times.
They wanted to save energy with their units to help them with their impressive sustainability goals, while keeping energy costs low.
A visually appealing product which suited their bold and contemporary interior was also important in attracting and whetting the appetites of customers.
Finally, they were looking for a partner who provided great customer service, especially when dealing with their clients.
True knew that their glass door units were going to be the perfect solution for TOTEM’s requirements.
True recommended their GDM units in black to match the sleek, simple and modern branding of the TOTEM Micromarkets. Using black units made the colourful food and beverages pop, making them look appetising and inviting. The TOTEM logo was also added to the customisable illuminated sign panel to keep things on brand.
Due to TOTEM spaces being busy at different periods throughout the day, True had to deliver solutions that maintain low cabinet temperatures for food merchandising and beverages. The GDM-23-HC was chosen as it’s ideal for fast-moving customer-facing retail environments.
The GDM range also features low emissivity with double pane thermal insulated glass for improved energy efficiency. The units use a natural refrigerant, which would help to support their sustainability goals.
TOTEM chose to work with True because of their need for reliable food safe equipment which would also look amazing in their Micromarkets, helping to tempt customers to make a purchase, and keep returning!
True was able to deliver a scalable solution which was customisable, maintained a strict temperature range and maximised product visibility.
TOTEM already have 100 True units, and they plan on purchasing additional units in the future as they continue to expand.
Jeremy Perono, VP Ops & Purchase
Commercial kitchens are stressful enough, without also having to worry about the longevity and reliability of your vital refrigeration systems. This makes it essential to choose cooling solutions that are built to stand the test of time—and not simply be replaced in the short to medium term.
Electricity remains a significant ongoing overhead for Australian commercial kitchen operators.