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Rinderberg, Switzerland

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Rinderberg is an Alpine Lodge in the Swiss Alps

The Lodge has been open for nine years and used to be a self-service restaurant. Just two years ago, it was redeveloped into a popular hotel destination with 24 rooms and a busy restaurant.

Rinderberg used the following products


Rinderberg needed to deal with the growing number of guests visiting its restaurant and staying in the hotel, particularly in peak seasons. During a typical February, the restaurant can expect to serve between 300-500 lunches in a four-hour window, so having the right products in place to keep produce fresh and support the kitchen staff was of great importance.

Rinderberg challenged True to supply their restaurant with refrigeration solutions that would offer efficiency, style and be beneficial to the environment. Whilst also being able to up with the demands of a busy service.

Two 1/1 GN refrigeration counters help keep Rinderberg’s produce fresh
Pizza prep table with top pans, drawers and swing doors allow for hygiene, freshness and practicality


True quickly understood what was needed to ensure Rinderberg could deliver a busy kitchen service whilst remaining energy efficient and sticking to their environmentally friendly ethos.

The constant turnover and preparation of fresh ingredients meant that Rinderberg’s refrigeration products needed to have hygiene and practicality in mind, whilst ensuring the cold chain wasn’t disrupted as to compromise food freshness.

The team at True recommended refrigeration counters and a pizza prep table that could maintain temperature when frequently opened and closed. True products use a sustainable and innovative R290 coolant, which also aligned with Rinderberg’s sustainability ethos.


Rinderberg chose to work with True Refrigeration because they needed equipment that would fit in to their kitchen space and make an instant impact. They also commented on the quality and feel of True’s products, saying these were huge deciding factors when it came to choosing a refrigeration supplier.

Rinderberg sought reassurance that their products would be long-lasting, and True’s 5-year guarantee on all refrigeration solutions gave the client instant peace of mind. They also needed reassurances that their new products would be sustainable – even high-up in the Alps – and this has been achieved thanks to True’s commitment to eco-friendly solutions.


"The cooperation from True Refrigeration was excellent and we’ve been supported throughout the whole process. True have gone the extra mile for Rinderberg and delivered when others simply couldn’t."

Dennis Kohler, Sales and Marketing Lead

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